Mainland China to Suspend Tariff Cuts on Imports from Taiwan



Starting from June 15, 2024, Mainland China will suspend tariff concessions for certain products from Taiwan that currently enjoy preferential tariff rates under the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), in response to the island's trade restrictions, the State Council's Customs Tariff Commission announced.


These products consist of 134 tariff items from Taiwan, including base oil lubricant, the commission said in a statement.


The ECFA is a comprehensive economic pact aimed at reducing trade barriers between Mainland China and Taiwan, which was signed by both sides in 2010 and is based on the 1992 Consensus.


In December 2023, the State Council's Customs Tariff Commission announced the end of ECFA tariff rates for some products from Taiwan, as Taiwan's unilateral and discriminatory trade restrictions against the mainland violated the ECFA.


However, the authorities of Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party have never implemented any concrete measures to suspend their trade restrictions against the mainland since the end of ECFA tariffs.


Thus, the commission decided to further suspend tariff reductions on some products from Taiwan under the ECFA, the statement said.


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